
En­ri­que Pe­rez

@ Gamification Lab

En­ri­que Pe­rez is a gameplay designer and scholar from Me­xi­co. For the past 10 years he has been working as a ga­me­play de­signer in the ca­su­al ga­ming in­dus­try.

He also conducted lectures and seminars on ga­mes at un­der­gra­dua­te and gra­dua­te le­vels in Mexico and Germany. He com­ple­ted his mas­ters’ in Ga­mes and New Me­dia at the IT Uni­ver­si­ty of Copen­ha­gen (Denmark) and Go­then­burg Uni­ver­si­ty (Sweden). In the year 2014 he worked as a Re­se­arch Fel­low at the Ga­mi­fi­ca­ti­on Lab at Leuphana University, where he provided ga­mi­fi­ca­ti­on expertise in numerous pro­jects, led the de­ve­lop­ment of a 3D si­mu­la­ti­on of the city of Lüne­burg, and designed numerous se­rious ga­mes about cri­ti­cal so­ci­al is­su­es. Currently, he is undertaking his PhD research at Leuphana University funded by “Die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit”. His doctoral work focuses on the application of mathematical elements, formerly used for the creation of art (e.g. golden mean, Fibonacci sequence), into game design and gameplay structures.